Reopening Applications | Appeal Traffic Tickets | Trials for Traffic Tickets
Anyone charged with a traffic ticket will inevitably have questions. Here are some of the answers to the most frequent questions Traffic Law Paralegal Services has answered.
Questions and Anwers on this page
I have received a traffic ticket but it does not carry any demerit points. Will it affect my driving abstract?Hiring a paralegal for your traffic ticket in Ontario can be highly beneficial. Paralegals understand traffic laws and can assist with evidence review, court preparation, and negotiations. Their expertise helps in managing your case effectively and improving the chances of a favorable outcome.
Yes. If you are convicted of a traffic ticket under Highway Traffic Act a conviction will be registered on your driving abstract regardless of demerit points. Some of the most serious violations such as operating a car without insurance do not carry any points but have drastic consequences. In many situations you may avoid a conviction and keep your record clean. Call us for free consultation.
Notwithstanding your position it is a duty of prosecution to prove "all elements" of the allegation against you. In many situations evidence is lacking and conviction cannot be entered. Often, there are procedural issues that may result in the ticket being dismissed or cancelled.
For full "G" license holders in Ontario, you can accumulate up to 15 demerit points before your driving license is suspended. If you reach 9 or more demerit points, the Ministry of Transportation may require an interview to discuss your situation. Novice drivers have a limit of 9 demerit points and may face suspension sooner due to escalating sanctions.
In Ontario, a speeding ticket stays on your driving record for three years from the date of conviction. Demerit points from the ticket last for two years from the date of the offense.
Yes. Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms guarantees certain rights including a right to be tried within reasonable time. Constitutional challenges are complicated and require careful consideration of all factors. We can help you with this argument. If you believe your traffic ticket matter was delayed contact us for a free evaluation.
Evidence of a police officer is not any different than yours. Police officers evidence is often not accepted resulting in charges being dismissed. It is our job to explore and identify weak points, present a defence or argue reasonable doubt to win your case. Effective cross-examination techniques and solid knowledge of law is our tool to assist you.
Yes, we offer a free initial consultation for traffic tickets. During this meeting, we will conduct a legal assessment of your case. If you decide to proceed, we will discuss the associated costs.
Provincial Offences Act provides for a process that is called "reopening". If you can satisfy the court that you missed you trial date without your fault a conviction may be set aside and new trial date scheduled. This process is time sensitive.
Yes, you can appeal traffic ticket conviction AND have suspension lifted while appeal process is pending. It is important to keep in mind that traffic ticket appeal process is time sensitive and traffic ticket appeal process is different from trial. To achieve desired result prompt steps musy be taken. Consult with traffic ticket professional at Traffic Law Paralegal Services to discuss appealing your traffic ticket conviction.
If you received a traffic ticket, speeding ticket, careless driving or charged with other offence call to discuss your case today (905)206-9080.
Traffic Law Paralegal Services is based in Mississauga and has been defending traffic violations and summary criminal offences in Ontario for over two decades. We fight traffic tickets in Mississauga, Toronto and other minicipalities in Ontario.
At Traffic Law you will receive experienced and competent defense services fighting traffic and criminal charges (summary offences). Most common allegations include careless driving tickets, stunt driving, no insurance and more.
Serhiy Senatorov is an owner of Traffic Law Paralegal Services, former vice-president of Licensed Paralegals Association (Ontario), former vice-president and one of the founding board members of the Ontario Paralegals Association and a regular speaker on continuing professional development in a legal community.
Serhiy Senatorov is providing trusted and reliable defense in Ontario and confident to help you.