(905) 206 - 9080 1150 Eglinton Ave, East Suite 211
Mississauga, Ontario L4W 2M6

Toronto Traffic Tickets

If you've received a traffic ticket in Toronto, it’s important to understand the implications and your options for handling it. Traffic tickets in Toronto can range from minor infractions to serious violations, and the consequences can impact your driving record, insurance rates, ability to drive, and even your freedom. Here’s some information to help you navigate Toronto traffic tickets effectively.

Is it worth fighting a traffic ticket in Toronto?

Yes, fighting a traffic ticket in Toronto is often worth it. Successfully contesting a ticket can save you from fines, demerit points, higher insurance premiums, and a potential license suspension. Key benefits include:

  • Avoiding Fines: You can avoid paying the fines associated with the ticket.
  • Preventing Demerit Points: Keeping points off your driving record helps avoid license suspension.
  • Insurance Savings: A clean record helps maintain lower insurance premiums.
  • Spotting Errors: Tickets can have mistakes or insufficient evidence, which can lead to dismissal.
  • Professional Help: Legal representation improves your chances of a favorable outcome.
  • Constitutional Challenges: Your constitutional rights may be infringed upon. Delay arguments (11b), disclosure issues and much more should not be overlooked.

Consulting with a paralegal can provide personalized advice and increase your chances of successfully fighting the ticket.

What Are the Most Common Traffic Tickets in Toronto?

In Toronto, some traffic tickets are more frequently issued than others. Here are the most common Toronto traffic tickets:

  • Toronto Speeding Tickets: Speeding is one of the most common traffic tickets in Toronto. Depending on how much you exceed the speed limit, fines and demerit points can vary.
  • Running a Red Light: Fines are typically high for running a red light, and demerit points may be added to your driving record.
  • Careless Driving Causing Serious Injury or Death: Significant ramifications for causing injury or death while driving carelessly.
  • Failing to Report an Accident: Failure to report an accident can lead to significant fines and the accumulation of demerit points on your driving record. This offense can have serious implications for your insurance.
  • Failing to Yield: This includes not yielding to pedestrians at crosswalks or not giving the right of way at intersections. Such violations can lead to significant fines and points.
  • Distracted Driving: Using a mobile phone while driving without a hands-free device is a common offense among Toronto traffic tickets. Fines are substantial and can result in demerit points and suspensions.
  • Driving Without Insurance: Operating a vehicle without valid insurance is a serious violation. This can result in hefty fines and a major conviction on the driving record.
  • Amber Light Tickets: Failing to stop for an amber light in Toronto is tricky and open to various legal aruments.
  • Stop Sign Tickets: Failing to stop for a stop sign in Toronto is a very common allegation that we handle on a daily basis.

What to Do If You Receive a Traffic Ticket in Toronto

If you received a Toronto traffic ticket, here are the steps you should follow:

Review the Traffic Ticket:

Carefully read the traffic ticket to understand the violation and the instructions for responding. The deadline for disputing the ticket is 15 days from the date of issuance.

Decide How to Respond to the Ticket:

  • Pay the Ticket: If you choose to pay the traffic ticket in Toronto, follow the instructions on the ticket for submitting payment. Be aware that paying the ticket is an admission of guilt and may result in fines, demerit points, and suspensions.
  • Request a Trial: If you believe the traffic ticket was issued in error or you have a valid defense, you can request a trial. This involves fighting the ticket in court. Follow the instructions on the ticket for requesting a trial and gather any evidence that supports your case.
  • Seek Legal Assistance: Consulting with a paralegal can be most beneficial. Traffic Law Paralegal Services have extensive experience handling Toronto traffic tickets and possess specific knowledge of local practices and protocols and can provide valuable advice leading to a favorable resolution.

Attend the Toronto Court Hearing:

If you requested a trial, you will need to attend the court hearing on the scheduled date. Toronto traffic ticket trials are held either in-person or virtually bu using a video link. Be prepared to present your case, provide evidence, and make your arguments.

Ensure you understand the local court procedures and have all necessary documentation to assit defending your case:

  • Original or a copy of your traffic ticket
  • Notice of trial
  • Disclosure materials
  • Your evidence to be presented
  • Copies of legal jurisprudence you intend to rely on at your trial

Follow Up with Toronto Court:

After the court decision, follow up on any required actions, such as paying fines or complying with court orders. Ensure you keep records of all communications and payments related to the ticket.

Toronto Traffic Tickets Court Locations

Court Name Address
Toronto POA Court - West 2700 Eglinton Avenue West, Toronto, ON M6M 1V1
Toronto POA Court - South 60 Queen Street West, Toronto, ON M5H 2M3
Toronto POA Court - East 1530 Markham Road, Toronto, ON M1B 3C2

For a personalized approach and professional defense, contact Traffic Law Paralegal Services to fight Toronto traffic tickets.

What we do

Traffic Law Paralegal Services is based in Mississauga and has been defending traffic violations and summary criminal offences in Ontario for over two decades. We fight traffic tickets in Mississauga, Toronto and other minicipalities in Ontario.

At Traffic Law you will receive experienced and competent defense services fighting traffic and criminal charges (summary offences). Most common allegations include careless driving tickets, stunt driving, no insurance and more.

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About Traffic Law Paralegal Services

Serhiy Senatorov is an owner of Traffic Law Paralegal Services and is a former vice-president of the Licensed Paralegals Association (Ontario), former vice-president and founding board member of the Ontario Paralegals Association, and a regular speaker on continuing professional development for paralegals, lawyers, and Justices. Serhiy Senatorov has been providing reliable defense for over 20 years and is confident to help you.

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(905) 206 - 9080 info@trafficlawparalegal.com