(905) 206 - 9080 1150 Eglinton Ave, East Suite 211
Mississauga, Ontario L4W 2M6

Criminal Charges

Toronto Criminal Charges | Brampton Criminal Charges

If you got charged with a summary criminal offence our criminal lawyers and paralegals can help you. It is important to know your options and act quickly. In situations where the charges are more serious and out of scope of a paralegal, we have lawyers ready to assist you.

Our criminal legal services include:

The steps you take will affect your future and, in some cases, your freedom. Every criminal charge is serious and should not be taken lightly. Paralegal with years of court experience fighting criminal charges such as: theft under $5000, fraud under $5000, assaults (summary), dangerous driving (summary) and many other summary criminal charges are ready to help you. Contact us for a free Criminal Charge consultation today.

Should I plead guilty to a Criminal charge?

If you plead guilty to a criminal offence, you admit the allegations and relieve the crown to prove your case beyond reasonable doubt. Criminal record may preclude you from obtaining employment and/or traveling to other countries. With our assistance your charge could be dealt with by alternative methods as opposed to a criminal conviction on your record. Summary criminal offences can result in risk of substantial jail time. Traffic Law Paralegal Services will offer you legal advise and reliable defence by a paralegal in court. Do not risk conviction for a criminal charge because you did not know the criminal process or simply were not familiar with hidden penalties .

Paralegal at Traffic Law Paralegal Services will save you money in legal costs and offer reliable criminal defence. If you have been arrested for a criminal offence you will need an immediate help. We understand this matter is important to you, and regardless of your personal circumstances, we will fight criminal charges tirelessly on your behalf.

Contact us for a free Criminal Charge consultation with a paralegal or lawyer at (905) 206-9080 and get criminal defence you deserve.

What we do

Traffic Law Paralegal Services has been defending traffic violations and summary criminal offences in Ontario for almost two decades.

At Traffic Law you will receive experienced and competent representation fighting traffic and criminal charges (summary offences). Most common allegations include careless driving tickets, stunt driving, no insurance and more.

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(905) 206 - 9080 info@trafficlawparalegal.com