(905) 206 - 9080 1150 Eglinton Ave, East Suite 211
Mississauga, Ontario L4W 2M6

Theft Under $5000

Brampton Theft Under $5000 | Shoplifting Charges | Theft Under $5000


If you got charged with Theft Under $5000 it is important to know your options. Theft charges are very common offences and it is important to understand your options. Every step you take in the prosecution of theft under $5000 is of its unique signifficance and having a representative by your side can save unnecessary court appearances and expedite resolution of the allegation. Experienced criminal paralegal with many years of court experience fighting theft under $5000 is ready to fight for you. Contact us for a free theft under $5000 consultation today.

Many criminal charges are subject to diversion programs and other out of court remedial programs. Proper advise from legal representative can help you avoid criminal conviction on your record. Many criminal offences, including theft, can result in substantial period jail time. Summary offence of theft under $5000 carries significant penalty including:

  • Substantial fine
  • Jail not exceeding 6 months
  • Criminal Record

Many criminal charges are subject to diversion programs and other out of court remedial programs. Proper advise from legal representative can help you avoid criminal conviction on your record. Many criminal offences, including theft, can result in substantial period jail time. Summary offence of theft under $5000 carries significant penalty including:

or in the event of an indictable offence jail term of not exceeding 2 years. Theft charges sometimes involve other allegations and often connected with Possession of stolen property under $5,000. Severity of theft charges and likelyhood of resolution or a complete withdrawal of charges depends on many various factors not limited to the value of stolen property, personal circumstances at the time of the offence and many other relevant factors. At Traffic Law we approach theft charges seriously and can help save you stress and freedom.

If you or someone you know is charged with Theft Under $5000 you will need help from our criminal paralegal. We understand Theft Under $5000 charges and can help you!

Contact us for a free Theft Under $5000 consultation at (905) 206-9080 and get criminal defence you deserve.

Recent Theft cases

Client charged with Theft Under $5000 in Toronto
After discussions with the Crown, client made a small charitable donation and the charge was withdrawn. No criminal record.

Theft Under $5000 in brampton
Client was charged with a theft from a large department store. Client who had clean record was able to avoid criminal conviction. After a small charitable donation the charge was withdrawn by the Crown. No Criminal Record.

Client was Charged with Theft Under $5000 in Brampton

Client voluntarily participated in private polygraph test and failed it. Value of the merchandize was assessed at $4900. Charge was withdrawn. Crown did not have sufficient evidence to prove the charge.

What we do

Traffic Law Paralegal Services has been defending traffic violations and summary criminal offences in Ontario for almost two decades.

At Traffic Law you will receive experienced and competent representation fighting traffic and criminal charges (summary offences). Most common allegations include careless driving tickets, stunt driving, no insurance and more.

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(905) 206 - 9080 info@trafficlawparalegal.com