(905) 206 - 9080 1150 Eglinton Ave, East Suite 211
Mississauga, Ontario L4W 2M6


Brampton Assault | Defending Assault | Common Assault

Victims of Assault

If you or anyone you know has been a victim of an assault, that person may be entitled to a compensation. The application process has time restriction and generally the application has to be submitted within 2 years of the assault incident. In order to receive compensation it is not mandatory for the person to be charged or police contacted. If you are a victim of assault, contact Traffic Law Paralegal Services to receive a free consultation on how you can receive financial compensation.

Charged With an Assault

Assault can range from mere touching to violent punching. Assault may consist of punching, kicking, pushing someone out of your way, spitting at someone and many other examples. Assault can be comitted by an indirect force, threatening or attempting to use force. It is important to identify available defences to assault charges and protect your rights and freedom. Many assault charges result from the bar fights and acting while under influence of alcohol and/or drugs. If an assault does not involve serious injuries or use of a weapon, the crown will usually treat it as a summary offence. Otherwise, it may be treated as a more serious crime that normally involves a stricter sentence. Do not wait and let professionals defend your assault charges, protect your freedom and record.

Consequences of Assault allegation

If you got charged with an assault it is important to know how to deal with it. Assault charges are very serious offences and it is important to understand your options. Retaining a a lawyer to assist with your assault charges can save unnecessary court appearances and expedite resolution of the allegation. Contact our experienced defense team for a free Assault consultation today.

Summary offence of assault can carry devastating consequences including:

  • Jail not exceeding 2 years
  • Criminal Record
  • Probation Orders
  • Restraining orders
  • Substantial fine

Possibility of sucsessfull resolution of assault crimes often closely affected by the circumstances of the allegation and even severity of injuries sustained by the victim. We take assault charges seriously and can refer you to an experienced lawyer to help you protect your record and minimize the impact of a criminal prosecution process.

If you or someone you know is charged with an assault contact for a free assault charge consultation with a criminal defense lawyer at (905) 206-9080.

What we do

Traffic Law Paralegal Services is based in Mississauga and has been defending traffic violations and summary criminal offences in Ontario for over two decades. We fight traffic tickets in Mississauga, Toronto and other minicipalities in Ontario.

At Traffic Law you will receive experienced and competent defense services fighting traffic and criminal charges (summary offences). Most common allegations include careless driving tickets, stunt driving, no insurance and more.

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About Traffic Law Paralegal Services

Serhiy Senatorov is an owner of Traffic Law Paralegal Services and is a former vice-president of the Licensed Paralegals Association (Ontario), former vice-president and founding board member of the Ontario Paralegals Association, and a regular speaker on continuing professional development for paralegals, lawyers, and Justices. Serhiy Senatorov has been providing reliable defense for over 20 years and is confident to help you.

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(905) 206 - 9080 info@trafficlawparalegal.com